Saturday, November 26, 2011

Learning the Art to Staying Afloat

Every year Chicago kicks off the holiday season with the Magnificent Mile Festival of Lights Parade that goes down Michigan Avenue. I generally try to avoid this parade like the plague because it makes me feel very claustrophobic. It attracts soooooooooooo many people and it is near impossible to get anywhere, like home. This year I had a change of heart. Last Saturday I volunteered to be a participant as a balloon handler with some of my fellow coworkers. Can scratch that off my bucket list. Only 999 more to go.

Upon being introduced to The Nutcracker, I wasn't sure who was dreading this more, me or him. He was huge and required at least 12 people. From the looks of this behind the scenes prep picture, he was. I was getting a little nervous but excited. We were given instructions and had several rehearsal drills. Very fun.
We all reassured him it was going to be okay, buoyed this spirits, inflated his huge ego several times with more helium and carried him through until the end...literally. He was deflating from the waist down and had to be supported by fellow handlers from start to finish. I was off to the side of his right arm. I was able to use some of what I learned from sailing. We were hysterical the entire time and getting supportive and sympathetic cheers from the crowds.
We were on television and if you click here and fast forward up to 7 minutes you will see what I mean. Give it a moment to load. I am the third or fourth person on the left side of the screen with black pants & white gym shoes near 8-9 minutes. We were behind two American Idol singers and in case you were curious or had ANY doubts, they lip synched to their pre-recorded song and not very well I might add.

So what is the art to staying afloat? Especially this time of year. Is it A: uplifting drugs,  B: laughing when things go awry, C: surrounding yourself with supportive, experienced  people  D: not taking things too seriouslyYou can answer that for yourself. :) 

The entire behind the scenes parade process was so fun and interesting. I really did learn a lot. I am a much better participant than spectator for this parade. Now to apply that same approach to art shows.

After we crossed the finish line, we deflated what was left of The Nutcracker and headed off to the Fairmont Hotel for drinks. We earned it.

Thank you Bill and Babs for signing me up and for sharing some of your pictures! It was also great to laugh and be around coworkers outside of work-Sharma!! and Jeannette!! I would definitely do this again. 

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