Monday, June 29, 2009

How Grows My Garden

I do not have a green thumb. Or even a garden. However, I do have great taste (translation: expensive) and a grand imagination. Honestly, should I ever have a garden, it would be a place of refuge and beauty; a place to go SHOULD I EVER FEEL CREATIVELY BLOCKED. As if! I would grow edible and organic items. But artistically speaking, this garden would really be alot of fun. And have a much better chance of my dreams.

I actually saw this exhibit in Chicago a couple years ago at the Garfield Conservatory. It was as beautiful, organic and gorgeous in person as it was in the video. Yeah, I could live with this. Couldn't grow it but I sure could live with it. I think I'll start planting seeds now.

Dreeeamm, dream, dream dreeeeaaaaammmm.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Back to Moving Forward-Artistically Speaking

I am definitely back in my art groove and it feels great! Updates to my website are almost done-some copy tweaking, and adding pricing and product descriptions. It was in such desperate need of an update I couldn't stand looking at it anymore. Purge old products, make room for the new. Make room for even more new. Introduce and learn new software. THANKS NAT SOTI!!, my collaborative web designer; interMedia designer and principal of zero one projects , for your brilliant solutions and zyrtec (discovered I had a cat allergy-gasp). Please check out his site to see the vast scope of his talent and services. But only after you finish reading my blog!!! :)

I did sign up for 2 shows and applied to one other, with more in the works, and even booked a trip to Portland, Oregon for September in time to attend the Pearl District Art Fair. I have never been to the Pacific Northwest so I am very excited.

In an earlier entry, I wrote about what I had learned while in the process of observing and watching goals, dreams, a new restaurant, and a new museum come together. I am now seeing the results of all the individual and collaborative efforts come to fruition. A labor of love for art. I am also mastering the ability to work with and through delays with greater flexibility, humor and patience.

As I continue to move forward, I am more open to learn what I don't know or resisted (technically speaking) now that I have more RAM in the brain, become more social (personally speaking) which my new schedule allows, and surround myself with terrific and supportive people (artistically speaking).

There is no looking back now (occasionally speaking.)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Time is of the Precious

Oh my goodness. I can not believe how much I have missed filling this white space, painting, writing gratitudes, and yes, even going to yoga class. I have been working and transitioning so much, which is a GREAT thing, however it has left me so burnt out and depleted. Not on every level, just artistically, creatively and a tad physically. That is about to change starting today. I am back to giving my right brain and my soul the attention it craves. I have some new time.

So hello white space! Here is my official return which I have neglected much like my apartment. You can see my blog, not the other. I apologize for lack of pictures for this entry. The apartment is being tended to today, tomorrow and the day after! Scheduled plans to revamp and rewrite my website are also in the works after mucho mucho postponement.

I do feel fortunate, even with all the goodbyes and hellos I have exp
erienced these past 5 weeks, that I already have established something wonderful to occupy my time. With my new schedule, I don't have to run around worrying what should I do, what can I do to fill this extra time? I can (and better!!) create, make, market and sell my art. I can also worry but I am going to try not to go there. Wasted energy, I hear. And besides, who has time for that?!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

A Cultural Escape

I am taking a detour from my usual to share an incredibly beautiful work of art. It's not mine :). The medium is much different. I am awestruck by the beauty, culture and performance.
I love Eastern culture, philosophy, and choreography, which made it all the more stunning. The only other thing I am slightly awestruck by is that I embedded a YouTube video for the very first time! So without further ado, please click and enjoy: