Monday, June 29, 2009

How Grows My Garden

I do not have a green thumb. Or even a garden. However, I do have great taste (translation: expensive) and a grand imagination. Honestly, should I ever have a garden, it would be a place of refuge and beauty; a place to go SHOULD I EVER FEEL CREATIVELY BLOCKED. As if! I would grow edible and organic items. But artistically speaking, this garden would really be alot of fun. And have a much better chance of my dreams.

I actually saw this exhibit in Chicago a couple years ago at the Garfield Conservatory. It was as beautiful, organic and gorgeous in person as it was in the video. Yeah, I could live with this. Couldn't grow it but I sure could live with it. I think I'll start planting seeds now.

Dreeeamm, dream, dream dreeeeaaaaammmm.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Marilyn,
    I'm just caught up.... good to here from you! Ahh.... the glass garden! It's so beautiful! Dale Chilhuly did these amazing pieces for Atlantis that I saw a few years ago! It was breathtaking!
    Can't wait to see your new changes!
