Sunday, February 8, 2009

Left Brain Stimulus Package

When it comes to the art of creating, and my approach to life, the right side of my brain gets ALOT of air time. I wouldn't be pursuing and doing what I am doing if I wasn't predominately right brained. I love right brain activities and thrive on them. However, when the left side of my brain screams for air time, I sometimes say, "Later, go away kid, ya bother me." Not this time. The left side now wanted equal time and demanded stimulation. I needed to make a decision and it required that I do an honest self-assessment of a situation. I have a deadline.

I bring this up because, yesterday, I made the agonizing decision not to renew my contract this year to do the
One of a Kind Show & Sale Chicago. As much as I love everything about this show, I really can't afford to do it now. Pride, desire, and ego have to take a back seat. I will still create, paint, and market my art, especially online, and try other venues.

I did not arrive at this decision entirely on my own. I reached out to left- brained dominate friends, and one in particular whose opinion I always cherish, heed and respect. I am now comfortable with my decision. I knew deep down it was the "left" right thing to do. I will apply the would be show money to get my new work shot , redo my website, and MARKET, MARKET MARKET.

There are two sides in a decision-making process. It feels good to have a balanced mind.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Those who can... do. Those who can't ...learn.

I recently spent two afternoon sessions with Jason Loper, a Chicago handbag designer and owner of ZolaJonesDesigns, to help me understand and execute some tricks and shortcuts to setting up my blog. It was extremely helpful. Technically speaking, of course. The process is actually fun when you have a great and experienced teacher. Thai food and sweets help!

Ta Da. Namaste. Hallelujah. A visual of one of my Good Luck hand painted Buddha boxes.
I must admit
I am growing more confident and comfortable with all of this. Two four letter words that I definitely like to use now with more frequency are blog and edit. I have a lot of new work to photograph and upload to both my website and blog. In the meantime, get a peek of my new wood bangles at his store. So... get ready and fasten your seatbelts.... there's more to come.

O.K. Jason actually loaded the graphics this time. And the seatbelt is from one of his handbags. But I watched and took notes. As the saying goes, when the student is ready, the teacher appears. All you have to do is ask.