Friday, February 22, 2013

Enlightenment From The Kitchen Sink

I am a visual person. I like to do visualizations. I even create a vision board every year. When negative, overly sensitive, self-doubt, shame and jealous thoughts possess my mind, far too frequently for my taste and vision, and impair my creative side, I have tools and techniques to get me through them. But sometimes those are not enough or seem to be doing the trick. 

Recently I was given that something else, a visual gift which required me to seek outside professional help. Would you like to see what all the dark thoughts and goings on inside my head would look like without doing a brain scan? Me too. Yes, it is a pre-existing condition of mine so thank goodness I have insurance. I was not declined. 
The gift: It's all here in its all its murky, smelly black and white and silver glory. All that was required of me was to look down at my kitchen sink, wait and watch things clear out. No words necessary.


What a visualization!! and a process. After clearing away the muck resulting from black acrylic paint building up and clogging the sink, it finally opened up with the help of something stronger- a plumber and a mental purge. 

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