Monday, December 7, 2009

Seek and Ye Shall Find on Twitter

"Sometimes I wonder if searching is a greater pleasure than finding what one is looking for."

I was planning to make this a rejuvenation day and take a break from everything. Feeling physically run down and mentally drained. Those detox plans included napping, reading, no art, less or no internet time,less distractions, just good ol' ME time. I was even going to let my Monday blog entry slide. You are now reading how long those plans lasted.

Inspiration always finds a way to seep in, especially when you decide to relax, and Twitter-ly Speaking, it did this morning. I recently wrote about my experience and respecting "the process" re: art shows. Someone asked me what is the secret to staying detached and not take it personally? Being less experienced than others, I did not have a great answer except get more experience. Today I found the answer from a recent tweet from Leo Babauta, author of Zen Habits. There were 19 other question/answers. I highlighted this one since it was so timely and relevant.

2. How do you stay motivated in business when you have never done something before & the results won’t show up until down the road?

Learn to love the process, and don’t let your happiness be so dependent on the outcome. Be passionate about the actual things you do, do them because you love it, and you’ll stick with it. The great things that result will be a natural by-product.

He used the word "outcome" which is where I had put my attention and how I initially, or habitually, measure(d) my success. Within 48 hours after the show, I recognized and honored "the process" and have since moved on.
I have one more show this weekend at Architectural Artifacts.

I have lots of goals for 2010 to achieve and fulfill. I will heed this timely advice.
Now it is time to turn the computer off and get back to my initial plan. It is part of the process and I love it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marilyn, Thank-you for the e-mail. You are right, for me the process is the real Love. Another Zen saying is: Keep on Truckin' :)
    I am donating 20% of my sales to woman and children in crisis, and so far I have $24! It feels good:)
    Love and Good Luck at your show! Lisa
