Sunday, November 15, 2009

Humor Me Please

I am starting? to stress out about the holiday season... especially as it relates to producing art in between my day job. I should be experienced and wise enough to say what will be will be, just do the best you can. But I am not. I am starting to panic. Left brain, please tell the right brain to hush.

I have also just returned from a small get together that one of my former yoga instructors hosted. It was there that someone shared an hysterical youtube video that I must share. Am I punchy..ah YES!! But what a wonderful antidote. We laughed so hard that all my worries seemed to dissolve, or at least, served as a most welcome distraction. Goes well with a touch of wine- white or red. I chose white.

It is these small pleasures and treasures that remind me not to take things so seriously. I would hate to lose the ability to laugh. This video may truly be a case where you had to be there to appreciate, but for me, to laugh through the stress was the best. You may or may not find this funny.

BTW, upcoming blogs will include pix of me and my new work, profiling some of my personal artist heroes, and other sources of inspiration. I am working on that behind the scenes.

Until then,
humor me please.

1 comment:

  1. I for one thought it was funny. But, Ellen usually is, isn't she?
    Work, elf, work!
    I want pictures, please.
    xox, Lisa
