Saturday, January 31, 2009

Staying and Saying Positive

The Blast Off 2009 class with Alyson Stanfield of that I started 3 weeks ago has come to end. Yesterday was the last day -ONLINE, that is. Now it is up to me to stay the course, stay disciplined, and stay positive. I want to grow my business, grow artistically, and of course, grow technically!

Just how to do I this? AFFIRMATIONS. One of our initial assignments was to write and create affirmations and share them! I am sharing and saying a few of the ones I wrote on plain, yet soon-to-be decorated, index cards (an little inside class humor) with you.
  • I surround myself with creative, nurturing and supportive people.
  • I invest in myself and my art with total confidence.
  • I release the limiting thoughts that block my prosperity.
  • I attract and receive new sources of INcome from my art.
  • I accept "what is" for now and remain present.
  • I open my heart to love, my mind to new possibilities, and my spirit to guidance and wisdom.
So in these challenging times, lets all try to stay positive. Go on, SAY IT!!


  1. Marilyn, congratulations on getting your blog up and running. I posted a link to this on my blog. Thanks for sharing with the world!

  2. Hi Marilyn, This is my first post ever - I am just getting started with my blog as well and I wanted to say congrats on your new beginnings and best wishes for 2009! Putting yourself out there takes courage everyday!
    Jennifer J. Ressmann
