Sunday, March 25, 2012

My Very Own March Madness

This is my fifth? (does it really matter?) attempt at writing a post for March.  What started out simple has now taken more days, directions, edits, emotions, frustration and let downs than intended. They deal with delays, setbacks, photographic quality, perfectionism, marketing, my ego, and just stuff before I feel and fall further behind. March Madness has spread off the courts into my head and onto this blog. Or to take a line from The Madness of King George, "Are you mad?" Ah, yeah.

Even writing this post set me back as I was trying something to fix a recurring inconsistent font problem. As I was checking out sample advance templates, I hit something and lo and behold, I lost my original look and spent some time figuring out what to do with the new options in front me. There was no turning back. What you see here is not finalized. I have some more triggers to hit but I am getting closer.

As I organize my thoughts and sensitivities, I will write what I originally intended in another post. There's enough madness in March already. Instead, I will lighten up, calm down and share some of my experiments with decoupage and recycled work. It was and is quite therapeutic as I am not a disciplined journal writer.

 Marilyn Grad @2012

I assembled my wealth of fortunes and organized them in a way that became quite affirming and beautiful. I was starting to see and feel myself in a positive light and enjoyed the narrative taking shape. I will be making more of these to sell on my website and all the other things I want to do.

Here is one more which was actually the very first one:

 Marilyn Grad Copyright @2012

I don't know about you but I do feel better having completed this post. The madness has dissipated.

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