Sunday, January 30, 2011

2011: Ah, To Be Flexible

I was so excited when 2011 rolled in as I had my goals, plans and deadlines written down and implementation had begun. Photo shoot scheduled (and still is) -check, registered to begin 5-week ceramics class at Lillstreet in February-check, attend RAWednesdays artist seminars-check, create 2-3 new pieces a week for photo shoot-um, write a new post for the new year-um, attend more yoga classes -I was- and a few other things in other areas of my life. Yes, 2011 started to look and feel great. I was going to make myself more open and more vulnerable. By golly, I was focused,ambitious and things were falling into place.

What I had not planned was developing a rash that spread and made me very nervous and uncomfortable. I thought it was an allergic reaction to a soap or detergent or something I was using. Went to the doctor to find it was a non-contagious, non-threatening virus,would take a while to get out of my system and there was nothing to do except use hydrocortisone cream along with the my already mega doses of benadryl. Also used more omega oils for healing and raw food. All I'll say is that I felt and looked like a leper. EEEUUWWW. A characteristic of the rash is that it only is on the torso and back and arms and the name of it begins with "pity." I was so distracted by this and felt more pity and less creative. (As of this post, it is all gone :D)

Last week, I accidentally slipped and fell on a wet hardwood floor and tore my hamstring muscle leaving me all eggplant colored (another major EEEEUUWWW) and incredibly sore on my left leg. The knowledge I have gained from yoga over the years helped me so much that I immediately knew what I did and what to do. I almost cried but I didn't. I already had enough "pity" in my system. Two days ago, I lovingly and willingly went to Cincinnati to see my elderly father and help relocate him to a new unit in his FANTASTIC senior living community. An extraordinary love filled and sensitive visit. It went VERY well.

So what I am getting at, as ambitious and excited to get things rolling for the new year,
I am a little behind with my plans. Interference and distractions happen. I have to be flexible so my body and some emotions can heal.

I am writing this so I do have a January 2011 post. Deadline met! I also said I was going to be more open and vulnerable. Not exactly the way I wanted to start the new year but hey....I'm flexible.

Very soon I'll have new work to show!!!! I'll keep you posted.


  1. Can't wait to see your new work!!
    I always say that *life just comes at you sometimes*'s ok....we just learn to roll with it. Take each day as they come!! I do hope you're doing better!! xoxo

  2. tell us more about the RAW wednesday seminars!- elizabeth
