Sunday, January 17, 2010

WHY Risk It

"Try to remember an artist-any artist-from more than 20 years ago who didn't take risks. The ones who didn't have all been forgotten. "
- artist Hazel Dooney on Twitter

Yes, I want to be a remembered artist. I admit it. I have my risk work cut out for me- personally, professionally, financially and artistically speaking- to positively and successfully achieve that. I know and can confidently take the WHY risk. It's the HOW, WHEN, and WHERE risks that continue to test and challenge me. They are not stopping me. They're just very uncomfortable, questionable and sometimes most inconvenient. Which is exactly Hazel Dooney's point and WHY her posted tweet got me. As her tweets tend to do quite frequently.

Asian Red Thin Bangle set

Since the new year and decade are still young ( note: I, on the other hand, can not make that claim and it's not worth taking that risk) I officially proclaim and renew my commitment to taking RISKS. I now gently place my bracelets into the proverbial ring, see how they stack up, along with ALL my other creations, possibilities and dreams, and remember WHY. Why not. Care to join me?

1 comment:

  1. I'm jumping in with you Marilyn!! Here's to taking risks!!
