Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Blahs, Blocks and Bubbles

So much for my goal of writing once a week. It has been almost a month. I had lost some of my groove, my momentum, only to have it be replaced by BLAHS and BLOCKS. UGH. I can attribute some of it to the uncertainty, insecurity, and instability of the economy, the time of year, and the PAST EIGHT YEARS. It is hard keeping my spirits up at times, not to feel angry, defeated and pessimistic. I talk to other artists, retailers and read artist blogs and I know I am by no means alone.

"Every smile is a direct achievement."
'Mazing design, acrylic paint, glitter, on business card box.

I do think it is very important to keep informed and abreast of current events.
I do watch, read and listen to alot of news and political programs. My favorite and loyal watching habits include Countdown with Keith Olbermann
and The Rachel Maddow Show on msnbc. By doing so many, I recognize it does become a distraction.

Enter The Bubble. I am not encouraging anyone to live in a vacuum, but there are benefits to living in a protective bubble if you create it right. It can insulate, filter and cushion the self-defeating emotions. It can, and should, keep you on your chosen path, offering inspiration and focus.

I live in an even more controlled bubble since my hours at work were cut and retail sales are down. Even less disposable income than before. I digress for a moment. Ever feel like you're living in a leaky boat? Once you got
one leak under control and you're still afloat , you've taken necessary precautions, and then another leak shows up?

Anyway, in my bubble, I attend art venues and exhibits. I recently saw the Edvard Munch exhibit at the Art Institute of Chicago. His Scream was my scream. Cathartic. I attend world, jazz and classical concerts
by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra since I work nearby and attend for free. I paint, read, and watch shows like a bio of the choreographer Jerome Robbins on American Masters on PBS. In my isolation bubble I also try to come up with new ideas of things to paint, recycle, repaint; find a new job. I have registered at etsy and Facebook and am getting that up and running soon. I also find additional outlets for my work or they find me.

y new favorite book is The Creative Habit by Twyla Tharp. The following are just a few resonated thoughts about bubbles quoted from her book:

"When I look back on my best work, it was inevitably created in what I call THE BUBBLE..... Being in the bubble does not have to mean exiling yourself from people and the world. It is more a state of mind, a willingness to subtract anything that disconnects you from your work. It doesn't have to be antisocial.

So for now, I am going to work and live in The Bubble to get me through this and continue to create in and think outside the box.

"When creativity has become your habit; when you've learned to manage time, resources, expectations, and the demands of others; when you understand the value and place of validation, continuity, and purity of purpose- then you're on the way to an artist's ultimate goal: the achievement of mastery."

1 comment:

  1. Hey Marilyn,
    I find myself in that bubble often!I sometimes don't watch the news for days on end and just try to live in my own little world! It's good to know that I'm not the only one... lol!
