Sunday, July 31, 2011

Mixed Media in Motion

I know it takes time for new sources of creative energy to find their way and take hold. That hasn't stopped me from continually getting impatient and frustrated with my creative process and progress. Juggling a full time job with full time artistic aspirations, dreams, and goals leaves my head spinning. It also produces wasted energy, frustration, and delays. 

8"x8" Whim(sical)  Mixed Media Painting on wood panel (Marilyn Grad c@2011)
Going through Indiana recently on my way back to Chicago, there are several fields of wind turbines. If you've ever driven through Indiana there isn't too much to look at. It's boring. As a passenger and not a driver, I was observing these supreme functional art sculptures in  simplistic and powerful motion. I started thinking about ways I can change my thinking and approach. The answer my friend was blowing in the wind.

Wind turbines in Indiana.

Two ways to officially change an approach is to alter a word and modify a font. And last week I did just that. I went from being "Functional" Creations to "Mixed Media" Creations.  You can see it at the top of this blog, on my website and business cards.  Mixed Media is so much easier to describe than functional, believe it or not, which saves energy in the selling and marketing process.

Like turbines, it is going to take time and far more effort on my part for my new found mixed media creative happiness to catch on. Naturally. Organically. Creatively. It is also going to require me to get over some of my show issues, and do more shows. That will be the focus of my next blog post.

 If all you can do is crawl, start crawling.  

So next post: a change in approach to doing shows... with some real help from artists that do them and live them. Honest, insightful, and inspirational perspective. (One tease: Melissa Banks of Rapt in Maille)

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