Sunday, May 10, 2009

Observing It All Come Together

One of the best decisions I have made was to leave the world of media production and become a functional artist. I don't say that lightly. Or live it lightly. I live it mentally full time and physically part-time.

I recently started a new job at the soon to be open Te
rzo Piano restaurant located on the third floor of The Modern Wing of the Art Institute of Chicago. The Modern Wing is the new home to the Art Institute's 20th and 21th Century art collection. It opens to the public May 16th. The building is energy efficient, constructed from recycled and environmentally safe materials and water is recycled. 264,000 square feet of space for me to get lost. Very, very exciting.

"Naturally 'Mazing " Box
Wood, Acrylic, texture paint, polyurethane varnish

I have observed the exterior progress of the construction since 2005. Now that I am actually inside the building, learning security procedures, navigating and dodging all the internal construction still going on, I am progressively seeing it ALL come together.
The less than glamorous side to the soon to be chaotic and rewarding side.

Especially at Terzo Piano. With 4 days under my belt, I have seen a white canvas, literally as the restaurant is very white, very open, begin to transform itself into a contemporary masterpiece. I have seen the Director and President of the Art Institute, the restaurant designer, the b
uilding architect, building maintenance, electricians, engineers, art installers, the Executive Chef and his staff, restaurant staff, and media, all come together dedicated to creating and making something fantastic. With a deadline.

"Fame" Buddha Box
Wood, Acrylic, texture paint, Chinese coin, non-toxic polyurethane varnish

As I observe all of this coming together, I also see how by changing my direction, living my values, and persevering, I have created exactly what I wanted. And I will be surrounded by people and an environment that will nurture my decision. So I guess I can say I'm sitting, or standing as the true case will be (I'm a host),
pretty happy.

P.S. Thank You Paul!!!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the change Marilyn! Often we have to make choices that will feed our soul. Those choices can be a little frightening but in the long run will be the right decision. Your new job sounds quite exciting! A perfect environment for an artist!
